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June Meeting at A.V. Winery

Dear SAMPE High Desert Chapter Friends,

Come to our meeting
June 22 (Wednesday) starting at 6:00 pm!
Location:Antelope Valley Winery (note location is not our usual venue)

20th W and a little North of Ave M in the Quartz Hill area.
https://goo.gl/nbq3c8 (map)  Websitehttp://avwinery.com/,

Bring friends and family!

Antelope Valley Winery features divine wine gift baskets filled with California wines, exotic game, and wine accoutrements. Antelope Valley Winery hosts seasonal seasonal Farmer’s markets and also special label small runs with a customer’s logo/artwork for special occasions and events.  There will be AV Winery staff for an informal Q&A session about the process intricacies of winemaking!

Winetasting ($5) includes 2 each from 1)White/Rose, 2)Dry/Red and 3)Sweet/Sparkling.  There are 4 or 5 options in each category.

Our Sponsors:


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